How To Buy A Cheap Car: 7 Tips The Trade Doesn't Want You To Know

Buying a cheap new car isn't as difficult as your local car dealer might want you to think - all you need is to know a few simple facts and you will be able to get the kind of deals that you hear other people talking about, but never seem to get yourself.

When I was working directly in the motor trade myself, I would get 20%, 30% and sometimes even more discount on new cars that I would sell on to the public after keeping a share for myself. I don't sell cars any more, and I'm ready to tell you my secrets.

If you choose you're moment, you can get a great deal. No dealer will turn you away because you're buying at the wrong time, but the last week of every quarter (March, June, September and December) sees a rush to get registrations, and manufacturers give dealers bonus money for taxing cars then, and the dealers will pass that on to you for being in the right place at the right time.

You can also cash in on the salesman's ego to get a bargain. One of their 'perks' is a company car, which is often a higher spec than standard. Most salesmen wants the latest 'plate, but they have to sell their car first, so when the new plate is out, or the model changes, they'' often sell their own car for little or no profit just to change their own car.

Consider buying a pre-registered car. These are cars that have been registered in someone else's name, either a dealer or a leasing company, in order to get extra discount. You would appear as the second owner, but the car is brand new with delivery mileage, and you will have saved hundreds - maybe even more - into the bargain.

Apart from the obvious 0% finance offers that you see, normal dealer rate are usually lower than the bank to start off with, but you'll find that they're also prepared to reduce their rates if you just ask. And for every 1,000 you borrow, a 1% reduction in interest rate could save you as much as 50 - on a 10,000 car you're another 500 in front - just for asking for a lower rate of interest!

Few people realise that dealers actually need your part exchange vehicle, because if everyone came in without a car - they wouldn't have any used cars to sell. Just before you take your car to a dealer, invest 10 in one of these hand car washes that will also hoover your car out and clean the dashboard. Stick an air freshener in too, and you'll be presenting you're car as 'ready to sell' and the price that you'll be offered will certainly be higher than normal. Few people ever think of cleaning their car before they ask for a price, but those that do always get top money!

In recent years, car dealers have started to buy fleets of late model, low mileage cars from leasing companies and other sources. Because of the huge levels of discounts that these companies command, their fleets are incredibly cheap - you can often get them at almost half price, even though they're only a few months old and have only covered a few thousand miles. They're still under warranty, probably haven't even covered enough miles to need a first service, but you will make massive savings just because your name isn't the first one in the log book - but if you've just saved 5,000, do you really care??

By: Mark Stephens..

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About Mark Stephens: After 23 years selling all models of new and used cars in the UK, Mark Stephens will tell you how to buy a cheap car with the security of dealing with a main dealer. There are more top tips on his website.
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